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Na no…

Yesterday I was metaphorically hit in the face with a wet fish.

I saw something that I know about myself, but generally choose to ignore, and push to the side, as I get on with doing what others need of me.

And that is the big wet fish.

At my core I am a people pleaser who has wobbly boundaries.

I am fully versed in prioritisation, and regular re-prioritisation. I know how to plan, to chunk, schedule, review and reschedule.

I prioritise my day, week and month, in terms of what is required of me... and with that directed focus I can forget about what I want, or need.

I went through a season where I built in regular time (however brief) each day for something for me, but in a busy season it ended up slipping and making way for other bush things.

I know enough about myself to know that I feel a pressure to meet commitments and deliver, and so over late lunch today I thought back to five years ago ( How is it five years? ) and my first attempt at #nanowrimo.

And I've decided to go back and give it another go. To chunk out time in my day and dedicate it, and see how it goes.

If it goes well, you might see more of me on here for a while. If it doesn't? It means the other priorities won - and I'm OK with that, because there are only so many hours in the day.

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