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HIGHCROFT WRITING was initially formed through helping new business start up's find their feet and confidence.  What quickly stood out, every time, was the parts of running a business that are absolutely necessary, and need to be managed, but might not necessarily spark the joy that inspired the start up of the business in the first place,  They were drowning in admin tasks, or feeling overwhelmed by things that needed to be organised to ensure continued success.  That's where HIGHCROFT WRITING came in  -  flexibly supporting businesses with tasks that they either couldn't meet, or didn't love. 


The question heard most often? WHAT DO YOU DO?


  • Develop business relationships. Work with you to understand what you want or need, agree the best way to meet that need, and deliver.  We will always be absolutely honest if we don't think we're the right people for the challenge.

  • Virtual Administration, social media management, customer relationship services, and online stores maintenance. We focus on delivering services that meet individual needs.

  • Programme and project management services. From helping with one document to managing change from design to delivery, it’s about working with the need, and giving tailored support to ensure success.  We want to help.

  • Writing services (in many shapes and forms). Proof-reading, content writing, bespoke poetry, short stories, and flash fiction


The other question ? WHY WRITING?


Writing Services was where it started.  Business case drafts, newsletters, emails, product descriptions and social media posts,  Words matter, whatever your business.




We love to chat! CONTACT US for more information, to enquire about, or to commission, support and services.


Otherwise, feel free to have a browse, or settle down for a  READ.  

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